Press Ganey has developed a collaboration with Epic to integrate nurse-sensitive indicators (NSI) and outcomes from Epic’s EHR into Press Ganey’s National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI).  The company said the automated reporting will save nursing and quality leaders time and accelerate the work to improve patient care. 

Th NDNQI collects and analyzes nursing data from more than 2,000 participating organizations, enabling nurse leaders to assess and benchmark their performance against more than 53,000 units and clinical settings. The national database comprises 600 measures of clinical quality and patient outcomes, including more than 250 nursing-sensitive indicators, such as falls, pressure injuries and hospital-acquired infections. 

The Epic integration will begin with streaming five key care indicators – CAUTI, CLABSI, Falls (Inpatient and Outpatient), and Pressure Injuries. This collaboration is a stepping stone toward connecting Epic’s process measure indicators to NDNQI’s quality outcomes and benchmarks to provide actionable insights to improve patient care. 

“Our expanded collaboration with Epic to integrate reporting of nursing sensitive indicators is a pivotal step towards using real-time data to improve the experience and quality of care,” said Darren Dworkin, president and chief operating officer for Press Ganey, in a statement. “By removing manual reporting of quality and safety data, we can reduce work for nursing leaders and speed up the time to insight and action.” 

This work builds on Press Ganey’s collaboration with Epic via its Workshop initiative to integrate a patient’s experience data with their health record. Through the “PX Connect Suite,”joint Press Ganey and Epic clients can surface patient experience insights to front-line staff for patient care and service recovery. 

To advance this new work, Epic and Press Ganey hosted a series of focus groups and said they will continue client discussions to guide the development process. 

“The new integration technologies developed in Workshop will allow nurse leaders to devote more time to acting on data, with an aim to ultimately enhance the quality of care,” said Emily Barey, M.S.N., vice president for nursing at Epic. “This collaboration intends not only to reduce the amount of required abstracting and formatting but also ensure that documentation supports the essential work of nurses in keeping patients safe.” 



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