Celebrating International Youth Day: A day to honour the transformative power of sports. This blog, written by MQ ambassador Amazin LeThi, explores how sports can profoundly impact LGBTQ youth.

As we celebrate International Youth Day, it’s crucial to recognize the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ youth and the transformative power sports can have in their lives. Growing up as both Asian and queer, I struggled immensely with my mental health. Like many LGBTQ youth, I navigated a world that didn’t fully accept or understand my sexuality. This journey was often marked by feelings of isolation, discrimination, and deep emotional pain. However, sports became my beacon of hope, offering not just physical benefits but also fostering a sense of belonging, resilience, and mental well-being. 

LGBTQ youth are disproportionately affected by mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, far more than their non-LGBTQ peers.

The stigma, discrimination, and lack of acceptance they face—whether at home, in school, or within their communities—exacerbate these struggles. The situation worsens when LGBTQ youth are excluded from activities that promote positive social connections, like sports. Such exclusion only deepens their sense of isolation and contributes to a cycle of mental health challenges. 

Participation in sports offers LGBTQ youth a powerful way to break the cycle of isolation and discrimination. It helps them build self-esteem, resilience, and supportive friendships—connections that can be life-saving. For me, sports were more than just games; they were a lifeline. Through sports, I found the confidence and self-worth to embrace and celebrate my queer Asian identity. The sense of accomplishment, life skills, and discipline I gained were crucial in shaping me into the proud, unapologetic queer Asian woman I am today. 

Standing in my truth and living authentically wouldn’t have been possible without the lessons and support I found in sports. On this International Youth Day, let’s commit to making sports a more inclusive space, so that all LGBTQ youth can experience the same transformative power that shaped my life. 


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