Having nutritious snacks on hand is essential to avoid regular raiding of the fridge. That’s why today we’ve made these no-bake protein bars that you can always have on hand when you are hungry or craving something delicious. The bar is nutritionally balanced and filling. Plus, it will win you over quickly with its great taste.

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Add almond butter, vanilla protein, oatmeal flakes, lyophilized strawberries (or other dried fruit) and agave syrup in a large bowl. Mix everything together. Then pour in the milk and mix again. The goal is to create a moist but not too sticky mixture. If the mixture is too dry, add a little more milk, if it’s too wet, add some oats.

No-bake protein bars - preparation of the mix

Then prepare the mould for the bars and use your hands to press the mixture into the individual squares. We made 6 bars, but it depends on how big your mould is. If you don’t have a bar mould, you can use a box or other rectangular mould.

No-bake protein bars - bar formation

When the bars are ready, put them in the fridge for half an hour to firm up a little. Then carefully remove them from the mould, if you had them in another rectangular mould, cut them into bars now. Place the finished pieces in a box or wrap in foil and place back in the fridge. They will be good for several days when prepared in this way. But given how delicious they are, they will probably disappear in no time. Garnish with pieces of lyophilized fruit before serving.

No-bake protein bars

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Nutritional values

1 bar (total 6 bars)

Energy value 150 kcal
Protein 8 g 
Carbohydrates 18 g
Fats 4 g
Fibre 5 g

The bars taste great on their own. But you can also add quark or yoghurt to them to create a new flavour combo.

Feel free to share your creations with us on social media by tagging #gymbeamcom.


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