You will definitely fall in love with this quick and delicious breakfast! It takes just a few minutes to prepare, making it perfect for those hectic mornings. We’ve opted for the microwave instead of the oven this time, so it’s even faster to whip up. The mix of tangy fruit and soft, sweet dough is simply irresistible.

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Mix the flour with the protein powder, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add 60 ml of milk and whisk until smooth. When the mixture has a creamy consistency, divide it into two halves. Add cocoa powder and 10 ml of milk to one half and mix to combine. This will give it its typical colour. Now, you can start with layering. Take a mug, spray it with cooking oil, and begin layering by adding a bit of the dark mixture, followed by the light mixture, and a sprinkle with a handful of freeze-dried redcurrants. Continue layering in this manner until all the batter is used up.

Marble mug cake with redcurrants - dough preparation

Place the prepared mug cake in the microwave, set it to 900 W, and cook for about 1–2 minutes. Check if it’s done with a toothpick—if it comes out clean, it’s ready. Carefully remove it from the microwave and transfer it on to a plate. If it doesn’t come out easily, use a fork or knife to gently separate it from the sides of the mug.

Our tip: It tastes great topped with fresh fruit, yoghurt, or nut butter.

Marble mug cake with redcurrants

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1 whole serving
Energy 307 kcal
Protein 20 g
Carbohydrates 46 g
Fat 3 g
Fibre 8 g

If you are a fan of quick, sweet breakfasts, then you’ll definitely enjoy this marble mug cake!

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