Want to make couscous look like it’s straight out of a fancy restaurant instead of a messy pile of food? Here’s a simple trick how to achieve it: add glazed carrots. It’ll instantly elevate the dish to a whole new level, both in presentation and taste. And don’t worry about any special preparation procedures, this recipe is super easy—anyone can nail it!

Ingredients for the main part:

Ingredients for the glazed carrots:

  • 8 small carrots
  • 20 g butter or ghee
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • salt to taste
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • fresh herbs for garnishing

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Let’s start with preparing the carrots. Clean them and place them in salted boiling water for about 4 minutes.

Couscous with tuna and glazed carrots - carrot preparation

Next, heat butter or ghee in a pan and sauté the carrots until golden brown. Season lightly with a pinch of salt and add honey. Continue sautéing and stirring gently to fully coat the carrots in honey. Finally, add lemon juice. If possible, you can prepare both the glazed carrots and the couscous simultaneously to ensure the glazed carrots stay warm.

Next, let’s prepare the main part of the meal. Season the couscous in a pot with salt to taste and pour in 100 ml of boiling water. Afterwards, cover it with a lid and let it sit for about 8 minutes, stirring it once during the process. Meanwhile, heat a pan with olive oil and sauté a finely chopped clove of garlic and onion until golden brown. Then add the couscous, tuna, and heat them together. Finally, stir in a raw egg and let it finish cooking.

Now you can proceed to serve the meal. Place the couscous mixture on a plate, top it with the glazed carrots, sprinkle with your favourite herbs, and you can dig right in!

Couscous with tuna and glazed carrots

Discover our bestsellers:

1 whole serving
Energy 742 kcal
Protein 44 g
Carbohydrates 70 g
Fat 30 g
Fibre 8 g

If you enjoy experimenting with food and want to elevate an ordinary meal to a whole new level, then you absolutely must try this couscous with glazed carrots.

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