Blueberry cheesecake is a delicious dessert that’s sure to satisfy anyone who loves the combination of quark and fruit. This refreshing treat also makes for a perfect snack for those aiming to lose weight. With just 112 calories per slice, it easily fits into any meal plan.

Ingredients for the crust:

Ingredients for the cream:

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Start by preparing the crust. Combine the oats with the nut butter and milk, then use your hands to work the mixture until it has a crumbly texture. Press it evenly into the base of a cake tin (ours was 22 cm in diameter), which has been coated with the cooking oil in a spray, and let it chill in the refrigerator.

Blueberry cheesecake - preparing the crust

Next, prepare the cream. In a large bowl, whisk together both types of quark with the protein powder mixed in milk. Sweeten the cream with a few drops of Flavor Drops according to your taste.

Afterwards, divide the cream into two halves. Stir fresh blueberries into one half, and blend freeze-dried blueberries into the other half.

Blueberry cheesecake - preparing the cream

Place four leaf gelatine sheets in a small saucepan and cover them with about three tablespoons of water. Allow them to soak for approximately ten minutes. Then, gently heat the gelatine over a low flame until it has completely dissolved. Proceed to mix it into the half of the cream that contains the blended freeze-dried blueberries.

Pour the cream onto the prepared oat crust and return it to the refrigerator, allowing it to set for at least 30 minutes until it starts to firm up. After this time, dissolve the remaining four leaf gelatine sheets in the same manner and mix them into the second half of the cream with the fresh blueberries. Spread this mixture over the set layer of the cheesecake to form the top layer. Return the cheesecake to the refrigerator and let it set completely, ideally overnight. Once fully chilled, it is ready to be served.

Blueberry cheesecake

Discover our bestsellers:

1 serving (12 servings in total)
Energy 112 kcal
Protein 9 g
Carbohydrates 9 g
Fat 4 g
Fibre 2 g

If you enjoy sweet, refreshing desserts with fruit, this blueberry cheesecake is sure to become one of your favourites.

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